I understand it but its boring
I understand the music and you've done a pretty good job actually, but it gets boring after a time, which is such a pity cause besides that its very good
I understand it but its boring
I understand the music and you've done a pretty good job actually, but it gets boring after a time, which is such a pity cause besides that its very good
Thank you.
Well, as I said, I didn't compose it. It's autonomously generated by the computer based on 4 simple rules without any further post-processing, aside from the guitar pro render (used a simple jazz-guitar template). And it's one of a series of configuration tests.
Very Good!
I only think you should take an other sound because that cello sounded horrible and absolutely NOT like a cello, and it should be longer.
The person below me said: it was really boring I didnt like it. (sorry you dont understand but i cant speak other languages)
I, for myself, thought it was not bad. Not very good, just Not Bad.
3/5, 6/10 (being mild)
ty .
its alright if you didnt like it.
Need Other Instruments
The Theme is ok, you just need other instruments I think
I have said it all
I do like it!
Nice beat, it makes me happy! still its a little repetive
we're all waving from side to side :P
its nice, I shouldnt change it.
Okay,thanks :)
wow awesome
This is really awesome, I like it. However, after about two minutes it gets irritating.
I believe every short loop being repeated gets irritating after a while :P
Good to see you liked it though! Thanks for the review :D
Joined on 1/5/11